Unboxing | August FairyLoot – Dark Deeds

As much of you already know, I’m a tad obsessed with FairyLoot boxes. They are one of my favorite subscription boxes out there and I could not recommend them enough. In July, I anxiously waited for my box to arrive, but noticed that the tracking had stopped moving. I emailed them and Anissa was on it right away; once we had found out that the box was deemed ‘lost’ she gave me a full refund (shipping included). So in addition to a great box, they also have great customer service, which is incredibly important to me.

Anyway, today I’ve finally got my unboxing post for you guys. If you’re interested in finding out more about them, you can check out their website or my initial unboxing post.

This month’s theme was dark deeds. The moment I saw this, and Rhys was mentioned I was all. over. that. My obsession with Rhys is getting a little sad, haha. Without further ado though, let’s get into the goodies.

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Unboxing | The Best Damn Book Box – Game of Thrones

Hellooooooo everyone!

I am finally coming at you with an unboxing post for a new subscription box I found a couple months ago. Ironically, it wasn’t on radar nor was it in my battle of the subscription boxes post (thanks for mentioning my post a couple months ago by the way, Reg!). I actually didn’t receive my box until last month, due to unforeseen circumstances with Nicole’s (the curator/founder/whatever you’d like to call her) family.

The Best Damn Book Box was created by Nicole Tate and is run by her and her family. It’s a small operation, which is why they’ve been a bit behind on the shipments of their boxes, but as far as I can tell from the one box I’ve received so far, it is worth the wait!

Over the summer (and thanks to my first FairyLoot Box) I quickly became obsessed with Game of Thrones and needed to ingest as many episodes as possible. So, naturally, when I found this box and saw that the theme was Game of Thrones for June, I scooped it up. Upon opening it, I was thrilled with everything I saw because they were centered around one of my favorite characters.

Let’s get to the goodies so you can see them too, shall we? Continue reading

May Fantasy & Sci-Fi Books Unboxing

Hello lovely people! If you follow me on Twitter, you’d know that I received both my FairyLoot and Fantasy & Sci-Fi boxes at the same time. I posted my FairyLoot unboxing yesterday, and now I’m coming at you with the second one!

Fantasy and Sci-Fi Books is a YA book subscription box that focuses on Fantasy and Sci-Fi books (hence the name). Each month you received a newly released fantasy or sci-fi book with 3-4 bookish items. They also have a plan called All Fantasy Young Adult plan where you only receive fantasy books, which is the one I signed up for and received this month. In this box, you receive a fantasy book and 2 bookish items.

Let’s get to it, shall we? Continue reading

May Fairyloot Unboxing

I am so excited to finally be writing this post for you guys! Back in March, I read a post on Anette Reads where she unboxed this subcription box called Fairyloot and I fell in love right then and there. By the time I finally got to the site, the April box was sold out, so I put myself on the waiting list for May and here we are!

If you’re not familiar with Fairyloot, it’s a Young Adult subscription box based in London that was created by fellow bookworm and book blogger, Anissa. The boxes deal exclusively with fantasy and each month you receive a newly released YA novel (sometimes signed or with a bookplate), 4-5 bookish items dealing with the theme, and a unique buddy reading hashtag to use as you read the book. Continue reading

May Muse Monthly Unboxing

Hello lovelies!

I’m coming at you today with a Muse Monthly unboxing. This a monthly subscription box that sends you a full container (bag, tin, box, etc.) of tea and brand new novel to your mailbox. I’ve received a couple boxes (one of them being a V.E. Schwab collaboration box, check out my unboxing post here) and so far, I’ve been thoroughly impressed. This box is basically my blog in subscription box form.

Here’s what everything looks like before I unwrapped it:


In the box I received:

  • A Copy of Perfect Days by Raphael Montes
  • A Tin of Black Passion tea from Angry Tea room (which I’ve already tried and am in love with)
  • A bookmark featuring the book

I really enjoy this subscription service, and if you live in the US or Canada you can subscribe here (unfortunately she doesn’t ship outside either of those right now). I also highly recommend following Muse Monthly on twitter. The founder, Christina, is hilarious, plus she’s always tweeting about books and/or tea (so it’s kind of right up my alley).

Which subscription boxes are you subscribed to? If you’re not subscribed to any, which ones are you thinking about trying? Let’s chat below!

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March Muse Monthly Unboxing

A while back, I found a subscription service called Muse Monthly that sends you an adult fiction novel and a tea! I’ve been eyeballing it forever, and when they announced that V.E. Scwab was the featured author for this month’s box, I ate it up as fast as possible.

Here’s an overview of everything we got (before I opened a couple things):


Here’s what we got:

  1. A hardcover copy of A Gather of Shadows (first 200 were signed)
  2. A tea hand selected by V.E. Scwab (a Mid Winter’s Night Tea is what’s called).
  3. A bookmark with the London skyline.
  4. A set of postcards with characters I’m not yet familiar with.



Yes, I was lucky enough to get a signed copy. I’m super stoked! Now I just need to finished the first book. 😛

So far, I’d recommend this subscription. It’s only my first box, so the jury is still out.

February Uppercase Box Unboxing

 Hello there! So for about a month now, I’ve been anxiously awaiting my new subscription box to come in the mail and last week, my first Uppercase Box finally arrived! I kept meaning to write an unboxing post, but other stuff kept coming up.

In case you weren’t aware, Uppercase Box is a “young adult book-of-the-month subscription box. Simply put: You sign up and receive a recently published YA book and awesome book-related items every month! Plus you’ll access exclusive book content and a one-of-a-kind reading experience to dive deeper into each story.”

Here is what came in this month’s box:


Items Included:

  • A personalized note to me explaining the book choice.
  • Nail wraps with the book cover on them.
  • An infinity scarf with a passage from Anne of Green Gables.
  • Two book marks: one with content codes and the other with info. about the book.
  • A poster with a quote from Starflight.
  • A signed copy of Starflight by Melissa Sanders.

I’ve heard good things about this book so I am so excited to dive into it and use the interactive codes. Can we talk about the scarf? So cool!

Are you subscribed to any bookish boxes? If so, what was your favorite book you received? Are you subscribed to Uppercase Box too?