Critique Quickie | Beautiful Secret by Christina Lauren

Beautiful SecretRating: 3.5 Teacups
Title: Beautiful Secret (Beautiful Bastard #4)
Author: Christina Lauren
Publisher: Gallery Books
Publication Date: April 14,  2015
Format: Kindle
# of Pages: 401

As we all know, I absolutely adore the Beautiful Bastard series. For whatever reason, it took me forever to pick this one up. After finishing the book, I can safely say that it was not my favorite book in the series. It started off kind of slow, and I didn’t feel the same connection to Niall and Ruby as I did with any of the other couples. It started off slow and took absolutely forever to get heated up. They don’t properly do the sexy time until about ⅔ of the way through the book and then things hit the fan for seemingly no reason (at least in my opinion). I do have to say that I liked the depth they gave Niall, and how pitiful he is because of his marriage to Portia. I completely understood his reservations with Ruby because he didn’t know any better. Compared to the rest of the group, these two are like a couple of old people (no offense to the elderly!) and I really didn’t find this book as sexy as the others. There might be a couple of spoilers when they do meet the others in the group, but for the most part, you will have no problem following everything that’s going on. They moved the series to an entirely different country, haha.

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Critique Quickie || Books For the Lovey Dovey & Smexy

So this past week I power read through a few books and decided to throw together some mini reviews for you guys (mostly due to their nature and the fact that they’re all sequels). Let’s get to it, shall we?

Cupid Has a Heart-On (The Holidays #2)

4 Teacups


The Holiday family is back, crazier than ever in this special, Valentine’s Day story!

Cupid hits a few roadblocks on the way to Sam and Noel’s hearts after their whirlwind Christmas romance. N*pplegate 2016, a stray stripper and a regrettable mix-up with narcotics are just the tips of the arrow when it comes to shooting these two with happily ever after. Nothing seeing a grown man wearing an adult diaper and wings can’t fix…hopefully.

My Thoughts:

This book is a follow up to The Stocking was Hung, which was absolutely hilarious, and I’m happy to report that the hilarity continues with this book. I loved the wacky characters and for the most part, the plot kept things going. There were a couple points where I wasn’t sure why communication wasn’t happening that would’ve greatly helped things. I’d definitely recommend this series! Continue reading

Critique | The Sea Witch by S.J. Valfroy

2.75 Teacups

**I received a copy of the book from the author via YA Buddy Readers’ Corner on Goodreads in exchange for an honest review**

The first things about this book that drew me in were the cover, the title, and the synopsis. The Little Mermaid happens to be both one of my favorite Disney movies and fairy tales in general, so this book was right up my alley. I really wanted to know what could possibly have made “the sea witch” evil. Ironically, I’m wearing my Littler Mermaid shirt as I write this. It’s fate!
Continue reading

Critique | Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge


Source: Goodreads

2.5 Teacups
Dates Read: August 22nd, 2015 – August 23rd, 2015

I really wanted to like this book, and despite only having a 3 star average rating, I was willing to give it a benefit of the doubt. Then I started reading. At first, I really did not like Nyx. Or her family. It was extremely frustrating to read and I hated the whole, “Why don’t they love me, I hate them” thing…MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

The transition from hating Ignifex to loving him was weird/non-existent. One minute she hates him, the next she’s suddenly in love with him and he with her. It made me feel like she loved him just because he told her the same. However, I loved Ignifex. I thought he was mysterious and charming, despite the fact that he’s supposed to be this evil, deceitful, demon. Unsurprisingly, he wasn’t so much. He was actually fairly kind to her despite his namesake. Continue reading