TBR For February 2019

Happy Monday everyone! I apologize for taking a mini hiatus last week, but between work and crazy weather, I wasn’t much in the mood for blogging or reading. Buuuut I’m back on my blogging game and I have great news; I finished my first book of 2019! I’m going to cheat and include it in this list, but it feels sooooo nice to finally have a book under my belt for this year. (I’m dragging my feet with Kingdom of Ash,  I don’t want the series to end.)

I’m keeping my TBR short and sweet this month with very little pressure to stick to it. These are just some books that sound good at the moment, and a lot of people have probably already read. (I’m finally emerging from out under the rock where I’ve been hiding.)

Without further ado, let’s jump into the list! Continue reading

February 2017 TBR

I’m only making myself a TBR because right now I’m flailing around with no idea what to read now that I’ve finished The Grisha Trilogy and Six of Crows Duology. Soooo I decided to make myself an extremely tentative TBR for this month. As you’re all well aware, I’m being  careful with forcing myself to read books. This is just for direction (and I’m going to keep telling myself that, haha).

You didn’t come here for my ramblings though. Let’s get to the books! Continue reading

Tweaked March TBR

Ok, so I decided to tweak my TBR because I’ve had some books come in from the library that I should probably prioritize over books that I own and can readily access. I still have 8 books, but Winter, Stars Above, and Siege & Storm are books I’ll read if I still have time left in the month.

TBR | March 2016

I still can’t believe that it’s already time to post my March TBR. This year is flying by way too fast! I have 11 books on my TBR this month, which is wishful thinking on my end. The good news is that I do have spring break coming up with no homework due, so hopefully I’ll be able to get through at least one or two books while I’m on vacation. Fingers crossed that I can get through a good number of these! (:

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TBR | February 2016

Here’s wishful thinking for finishing all of these. Wings, Siege and Storm, and The Sea Witch are buddy reads. Dead of Night and The Lie were sent to me, so I need to read them ASAP, and if I have time, I’ll read Stars Above and Glass Sword. Phew! Keep your fingers crossed! What’s on your TBR this month?