The Cruel, but Absent Prince | Cruel Prince Critique

cruel princeRating: 3.5 Teacups
Title: Cruel Prince
Author: Holly Black
Series: The Folk of the Air
Publisher: Little Brown Books for Young Reader
Publication Date: January 2, 2018
Format: Kindle/Audiobook
# of Pages: 384

Jude was seven years old when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the treacherous High Court of Faerie. Ten years later, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her mortality. But many of the fey despise humans. Especially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King.

To win a place at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences.

In doing so, she becomes embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, discovering her own capacity for bloodshed. But as civil war threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous alliance to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.

I’m having some deja vu with this book; I stayed up into the wee hours of the night to finish it, and while I enjoyed the book (and do plan on reading Wicked King) I’m not falling over myself to get it in my hands. If I had to choose one word to describe how I’m feeling, it’s underwhelmed.

So underwhelmed in fact, that I don’t even know if I should be writing this review. I finished this book at the beginning of the month and wanted to write one, but as I sit here at 12:01 AM on a Sunday night Monday morning, I. Have. Nothing. Soooo it looks like this is going to be a brief review. (I always say that and then end up writing a novel, so we’ll see what actually happens.) Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday| Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2018

Good morning lovelies and happy Tuesday! Today I’m coming back at you again with another installment of Top Ten Tuesday, a meme hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week she assigns a topic and we create a list based on that topic, then share it with all of you. 😊

This week the topic is: Top Ten Books I Meant to Read in 2018 But Didn’t Get to.

The easy answer for me is ALL OF THEM. Unless it was a poetry book or ACOFAS (review to come), I didn’t pick it up. However, I’ve been doing my research and watching “best of 2018” videos and I think I’ve come up with a nice list here, some of which are 2018 releases and others are books I just haven’t read yet. Are you ready to get pumped (for books you’ve probably already read)? 🙌🙌🙌 (I just discovered that you can do that on a PC now and I can’t stop, send help.) Continue reading

A Court of Wings & Ruin – Sarah J Maas | Critique

Hello, my wonderful bookish friends! I know that I’m incredibly (like two years) late to reviewing this book, but I was going through my backlog of reviews and found this guy just waiting to be shared with the world. Mind you, this was written in 2017 when ACOWAR first came out and I finished the book (hence the first paragraph, but I liked the nostalgia of it), but my feelings haven’t changed.

Into the time machine, and back to 2017! Continue reading

Top Ten Tuesday | Books I’ve Read & Can’t Remember

Welcome back to the blog and happy Tuesday everyone! I’m coming at you with a new installment of Top Ten Tuesday. This is a meme hosted by the lovely Jana over at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week, we’re assigned a topic and then tasked to create a top-ten-list that fits that topic. Since I only read like 5 books last year, I decided to go with a different topic this week.

This week, I decided to backtrack and talk about: Top Ten Books I’ve Read & Can’t Remember. Ready to jump in and see what I’ve got for you?

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Top Ten Tuesday | Anticipated Releases for First Half of 2019

Happy Tuesday my fellow bookish friends! As my first book-related post of the year, I’ve decided to jump back on the Top Ten Tuesday train (it’s not only fun, but I didn’t have to put a ton of thought into it). For those who don’t know, TTT is a meme hosted by Lana @ That Artsy Reader Girl where we’re given a theme for the week and we create a list based on it. I’ve recently fallen back in love with making lists, so I’m especially excited for this.

Most of the books I chose are debuts or authors that are new to me, only two are by authors I’m familiar with and one is an author whose work I’ve actually read. As you can probably tell from the title of this post, the theme for this week is: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2019.

Let’s get to it, shall we? Continue reading

Unboxing | August FairyLoot – Dark Deeds

As much of you already know, I’m a tad obsessed with FairyLoot boxes. They are one of my favorite subscription boxes out there and I could not recommend them enough. In July, I anxiously waited for my box to arrive, but noticed that the tracking had stopped moving. I emailed them and Anissa was on it right away; once we had found out that the box was deemed ‘lost’ she gave me a full refund (shipping included). So in addition to a great box, they also have great customer service, which is incredibly important to me.

Anyway, today I’ve finally got my unboxing post for you guys. If you’re interested in finding out more about them, you can check out their website or my initial unboxing post.

This month’s theme was dark deeds. The moment I saw this, and Rhys was mentioned I was all. over. that. My obsession with Rhys is getting a little sad, haha. Without further ado though, let’s get into the goodies.

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Unboxing | The Best Damn Book Box – Game of Thrones

Hellooooooo everyone!

I am finally coming at you with an unboxing post for a new subscription box I found a couple months ago. Ironically, it wasn’t on radar nor was it in my battle of the subscription boxes post (thanks for mentioning my post a couple months ago by the way, Reg!). I actually didn’t receive my box until last month, due to unforeseen circumstances with Nicole’s (the curator/founder/whatever you’d like to call her) family.

The Best Damn Book Box was created by Nicole Tate and is run by her and her family. It’s a small operation, which is why they’ve been a bit behind on the shipments of their boxes, but as far as I can tell from the one box I’ve received so far, it is worth the wait!

Over the summer (and thanks to my first FairyLoot Box) I quickly became obsessed with Game of Thrones and needed to ingest as many episodes as possible. So, naturally, when I found this box and saw that the theme was Game of Thrones for June, I scooped it up. Upon opening it, I was thrilled with everything I saw because they were centered around one of my favorite characters.

Let’s get to the goodies so you can see them too, shall we? Continue reading

Harry Potter Tag

Hellooooooo again! I am on a roll and playing catch up with the lack of posts I had this summer. I was tagged by The Sassy Book Geek (who you may know as Heather) to do the Harry Potter Tag! If you don’t already follow her, you should definitely drop by and check out her blog because her content is on point.

Huge thanks to Lashaan and Trang from Bookidote for creating the graphics that I used in this post. There’s only one rule for this tag: you can’t use Harry Potter books in your answers.

Let’s get to it!

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June 2016 Wrap Up

Can we talk about how it’s already July???? My classes have been kicking my butt (I had eleven assignments due last week for one class. ELEVEN) and they’ll be done at the end of the month. Needless to say, I haven’t had a ton of extra time for reading long novels and I’ve only just begun catching up on reading books that have been sent to me. So anyway, below I’ve listed all the books that have wandered the way into my life this month. 😀 Continue reading

Critique| Gifted by J.A. George & GIVEAWAY

4.5 Teacups
4.5 Teacups

**I was sent a copy to review in exchange for my honest opinion**

GiftedTitle: Gifted (The Hayven Series 1)
Author: J.A. George
Publication Date: April 13, 2016
Format: Kindle Book
# of Pages: 273
Synopsis: There is no chosen one in this story.

Avery Gray was just in the wrong place at the wrong time and happened to make a decision that altered her future forever. It happens to all of us every day.

Avery is a size twelve university student with a penchant for dry humour, and she’s as normal as they come. Up until now, the biggest choice she’s had to make was glasses or contacts? At the moment, it’s stay and save, or leave and be saved.

Allow me to explain. One rainy afternoon, Avery had to make a choice: go through the alleyway or around it. Two possible options. One would have had her future continue on as planned, the other would ensure that her future never remained the same again. She unknowingly went with the latter.

But change is not always bad. Avery meets Theodore-James Connors, an enigmatic young man who takes her to Hayven, a city separated from the rest of the world, where only gifters – ordinary people with extra-ordinary gifts – can go. She soon finds herself in a close-knit group of friends she’d never have imagined herself in. Friends who are diverse in every possible way, from their ethnic backgrounds, to their personalities, from their gifts, to their life stories. Friends who make her laugh, who make her cry, who make her think and who make her…her.

However, change is not always good. The beautiful, golden city of Hayven has its dark side – Cliders. Gifters turned rogue, aka, Cliders are determined to aid fallen Clider, Madrina, return to rule Hayven. They will stop at nothing to make that happen, including harming those Ava has grown to love.

Again, Ava is faced with a choice: spend her days finding a way to inhibit Madrina’s return, or walk away. After all, she isn’t the chosen one. Yet, there exists a third option – rig the future itself and make it work for her.

If I’m completely honest, I enjoyed this book much more than I was anticipating and I’m absolutely thrilled. For those of you who have been following my blog for a while, you’d know that I have been in and out of a slump since late February/March. I’ve read a handful of books that I’ve really enjoyed, but so far most of what I’ve read this year has hit the mark.

Thankfully, Gifted hit the nail right on the head and has definitely helped to pull me out of my slump. I really liked Ava, and I thought that she was an extremely likeable and therefore relatable character. I think her reaction is perfect for the situation; if  I started hearing voices in my head, I too would try to play it off, and gradually think I’m going insane. She has average struggles with body image (no matter how much she tries to deny it, but don’t we all?), boys, and her “friends.” She deals with them like any other person in her shoes would (by talking to her best friend, having a good cry, or sleeping it off), and although she’s going through all of this stuff in Hayven, I think she manages to balance things quite well.

I didn’t care for her initial group of friends, at least once they started to show their true colors. I felt that something about Toni was…off, especially in the way that she seemed to talk Ava into doing things she didn’t really want to do (don’t even get me started about what happened at the club). I felt that Toni was whiny and inconsiderate of Ava, which really made me dislike her. However, with the way that the plot played out, and Ava finding a new group of friends that actually cared for her and she felt apart of, I completely understand why J.A. George wrote her that way. It made saying goodbye to them a whole lot easier. I felt like applauding when things finally clicked for Ava and she realized that Toni probably thought she was a pushover and Ava finally stood up for herself. She didn’t need the kind of friend who ignored her advice and thought only of herself in her life. Not when she had the friends she made in Hayven.

That being said, I really like the group of people Ava met in Hayven (I’m looking at you Theo, Baleigh, Peyton, Faye, Ollie, and Lucas). I felt like we got a good sense of each person’s character as Ava met them, and I completely understand why Ava loved being around them so much. They have each other’s backs (Baleigh is hilarious), and you can just feel the bonds that they’ve all made with each other. The only thing I didn’t like though, was that Ava going from friend group to the other completely was abrupt. There wasn’t any major falling out, and them not talking to her was for an extremely petty reason (at least that’s what it felt like for me).

I can’t wait to see more of Madrina and the rest of the Cliders because the backstory and build-up was incredibly intriguing to me. I loved learning about what had transpired a thousand years before and hearing about the aftermath of what had happened. The ideas of everyone’s different gifts is also interesting, and I can see how all of them will come together quite nicely in the rest of the series. I wish we would’ve had a smidge more action, but overall I really enjoyed the plot and I thought that the backstory was necessary to give us a good foundation/understanding for the rest of the series.

I highly recommend this book because it’s got a great cast of characters, an awesome start to a series, and an epic battle in the works. PLUS the author has been kind enough to send me 2 digital copies to giveaway to you guys!

Terms of the giveaway

  1. Leave a comment with your name, favorite read of the year so far or why you want to read Gifted.
  2. Click on the below to let me know that you’ve commented! (You will be required to enter an email so I have some way to contact you and send the prize).
  3. Officially enter the giveaway here. Good luck!

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