Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

The other day I was nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award by the lovely Izzi @ Ravenclaw Book Club. You should hop on over to her blog and check out both her post and her blog. She recently reached 200 followers, so make sure you go and congratulate her. 😉


  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the questions the tagger has given you.
  • Nominate ten other bloggers.
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.

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The Miranda Sings Award

They like me, they really like me! I’d like to thank my fans for making me super famous, my mom, and of course Miss Emily Rose Reads for nominating me for this award. 😉 I love Colleen…I mean, Miranda, so I think this award is awesome. Also, go make sure to check out and follow Emily’s blog and in the spirit of this award, leave some love. Tell her I sent you. 😉

Anyway, enough of my blabbering, let’s get to the good stuff! Continue reading

The Blogger Recognition Award

Huge thanks to Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews for the tag! If you haven’t already, go check out her blog and give her a follow. You will not be disappointed! (She just wrote an awesome 3-star review of ACOTAR. Despite my raving 5-star review, I can totally get on board with her opinions.)

Write a post to show your award
Give a brief story of how your blog started.
Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to.blogger-recognition-award.jpg

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Book Fangirling Award

I was tagged for this award by Heather from The Sassy Geek. Be sure to check out her answers, because they’re awesome and her blog, because it’s beautiful and chock full of useful stuff!

The Rules:

  •  Create a post to accept your reward.
  •  Answer the questions at the end.
  • Nominate 5 – 10 bloggers who you think also deserve this award.
  • Come up with your own 5 questions for your nominees.

The Questions:

1.) What is your favorite childhood novel?

I’m going to have to go with Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. I remember my teacher reading it for the first time in second grade and doing a bunch of activities associated with it. I was ecstatic when we did it in theater when I was in high school. It was a lot of fun to work on it. Continue reading

Awards | The Entertainer Blogger Award


First, I’d like to thank Raquel over at Rakiodd Books for nominating me! It means a lot to me! 😀

The Rules:

  • Write a post with the award picture.
  • Nominate 12 other bloggers who are funny, inspiring, and, most important of all, ENTERTAINING!
  • Add these rules to the post.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and leave a link to their blog!
  • Also, answer these questions down below! 🙂


  1. Why did you want to start a blog in the first place?
  2. What is your favorite book?
  3. What do you dislike the most?
  4. What is your favorite food item from the mall?
  5. What is your favorite pass-time activity?

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